A computer tech will need to open up your laptop to provide a meaningful cost estimate. Instead, damage is more dependent on the length of time the water was present. The damage that water causes inside the laptop doesn’t depend very much on the amount of water. Laptops that haven’t received extensive damage cost about $100 to fix, while the cost to fix a laptop with a lot of damage could exceed $250. For example, a tech must take a MacBook Pro apart to replace the keyboard because a separate screw attaches each key to the rest of the laptop. The cost of replacing the keyboard for a Mac laptop varies greatly between models. The cost of a keyboard replacement for a PC laptop is typically between $100 and $120. Restoring data is also a common part of hardware repairs. A hardware problem will likely include a cost for parts, as these repairs usually involve a part replacement. The problem may be strictly software, in which case there shouldn’t be a cost for parts. The cost of replacing a hard drive is particularly variable, depending on its capacity. The specific type of repair and the extent of the damage are the biggest cost factors for these procedures.

The cost of a laptop repair typically ranges between $100 and $250.

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